mercredi 8 octobre 2014

University of Oxford

Address:  University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
Admission rate: 20,5% (2012)
Number of participants:  22 116 (2013)
Phone: +44 1865 270000
Founder:  unknown
Foundation date: unknown
Devise: Dominus illuminatio mea

Web site:
The University of Oxford remains in 2013 the tenth best University worldwide and the second of the European continent. Competitor of Cambridge, Oxford, which is the oldest university in English, founded to 1096, offers a wide range of experience. The majority of its students enrolled in Humanities and social sciences and medicine, maths, physics and life sciences. It is distinguished by its low rate of abandonment during the year: a little more than 1% against an average of more than 8%.Tutoring, courses and faculty quality and the ease of insertion on the labor market contribute to its reputation. More than a third of the students are foreigners, coming from 140 countries around the world.

Note on 100: 55.9
Number of students: 18 703
Country: United Kingdom
Position in 2012: 10th

University of Chicago

Address:  5801 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, États-Unis
Admission rate:  8,4% (2014)
Number of participants: 15 245 (2012)
Phone: +1 773-702-1234
Founder:   William Rainey Harper, John Dewey, John Davison Rockefeller
Foundation date: 1890
Devise: Crescat scientia, vita excolatur
Web site:

A ninth place in the standings for the seventh consecutive year, lies the University of Chicago. Renowned for his studies of law, she is also a highly valued for the economics, sociology and biology Learning Center. Research is one of its main priorities. The University of Chicago has several institutes and research centers that are working on topics such as cancer, genome or even new technologies. In September 2008, the federal Government provided a grant of nearly EUR 20 million to the University for Research projects considered promising.

Note on 100: 57.1
Number of students: 13 070
Country: United States
2012 position: 9th

Columbia University

Address: 116th St & Broadway, New York, NY 10027, United-states
Admission rate: 7% (2013)
Number of participants: 29 250 (2013)
Phone: +1 212-854-1754
Founder:  George II de Grande-Bretagne
Foundation date: 1754
Devise: In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen
Web site:

The University Columbia occupies in 2013 the 8th place of the most prestigious universities in the world. It thus keeps the same place from last year. Installed to New York on two campuses, one said historic and the second modern, it is recognized internationally as a major training center. Its "schools" range of Arts and architecture, to medicine by marketing, journalism or law. Subsidized by the State and private companies, it enjoys an important budget of over EUR 2 billion. Each year, it welcomes in its walls nearly 5,000 foreign students. And his reputation also benefits from the Obama effect since the current President American completed his graduate studies.

Note on 100: 59.8
Number of students: 21 817
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 8th

Princeton University

Address: Princeton, NJ 08544, United-states
Admission rate: 7,3% (2014)
Number of participants: 8 014 (2013)
Phone: +1 609-258-3000
Foundation date: 1746
Founder: John Witherspoon, Jonathan Dickinson, William Tennent, Aaron Burr, Sr.
Football stadium: Princeton University Stadium
Devise: Dei sub numine viget

Web site:

Another University renowned Princeton. It is the 7th best University in the world according to the survey from the University of Shanghai, in the same position as last year and that in 2011.Cette University of New Jersey, founded in 1746, is one of the major universities American. It has 34 departments of anthropology in chemistry or sociology. Several centers of research as its Institute of Neuroscience, center for the study of African-Americans and his Center for the Arts are among the most productive in terms of publications. Princeton, Member of the Ivy League, competition of Athletics between eight universities and United States, stands also regularly on the sports field.

Note on 100: 61.9
Number of students: 7 508
Country: United States of America
Position in 2012: 7th

California Institute of Technology University

Address: 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, United-states
Devise: The truth shall make you free
Number of participants: 2 130
Foundation date: 1891
Phone: +1 626-395-6811
Founders: Amos G. Throop (1811-1894)
Web site:

With a little more than 2,000 students, this little University American ranks among the ten best in the world. The California Institute of technology, or Caltech, is 6th on the charts. Located in Pasadena, California, it provides mainly the teachings of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics. Like MIT, Caltech form many students attracted to the proximity of Silicon Valley and other nearby research center of NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Recently, one of its teams of researchers published the promising results of work on gene therapy on mouse.

Note on 100: 64.1
Number of students: 2,130
Country: United States
Position in 2011: 6th

University of Cambridge

Address: The Old Schools, Trinity Ln, Cambridge CB2 1TN, United Kingdom
Admission rate: 21.9% (2012)
Phone: + 44 1223 337733
Number of participants: 18 187 (2012)
Date of Foundation: 1209
Web site:

The fifth best University in 2013 is Cambridge. The establishment, which celebrated its 800 anniversary in 2009, therefore keeps its position in the annual survey conducted by the University of Shanghai. First European charts, the very old Cambridge University has a strong reputation even though it is made ahead by Berkeley and Stanford (she was 2nd in 2006).The University is distinguished mainly by the success of its pupils from its 31 "College". Since 1901, more than 80 of them have received the Nobel Prize, including the first female. Cambridge is illustrated also by its important research center and its publishing house.

Note on 100: 69.6
Number of students: 17 868
Country: United Kingdom

Position in 2012: 5th

mardi 7 octobre 2014

Massachusetts Institute of Technology University

Address: 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, United States
Admission rate: 7.7% (2014)
Number of participants: 11 301 (2013)
Phone: + 1 617-253-1000
Founder: William Barton Rogers
Web site:

Specializing in engineering studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology lost a place in the ranking of the best universities. Located in the city of Cambridge, it has very coveted research teams. His teachings in aeronautics, chemistry, computer science and mechanical engineering are among the most efficient in the world. But put it is not only technicians. His training in political science, history and economics, once less run, see their listings soar over the years.

Note on 100: 71.1
Number of students: 10 264
Country: United States
Position 2012: 4th

University of California, Berkeley

Address: Berkeley, CA, United States
Admission rate: 17% (2014)
Number of members: 36 204 (2013)
Phone: + 1 510-642-6000
Founder: Legislature of the State of California
Date of Foundation: March 23, 1868
Football stadium: California Memorial Stadium
Web site:

The University of California is at Berkeley, in the United States, going from fourth to third place in the standings in 2013. Founded in 1868, it is one of the most prestigious U.S. universities and includes 14 faculties; the most popular being those of electrical and computer engineering, biology and political science. Berkeley also has a research center crowd-pleasing where are coming two laureates of the Field Medal, twenty-and-one the Nobel Prize winners and four Pulitzer Prize winners. And then 48 of 52 research programs ranked in the top 10 of their domain on the American continent. More fun, it is the 9th University which has produced the most billionaires!

Note on 100: 71.3
Number of students: 34 664
Country: United States

Position in 2012: 3rd

Stanford University

Address: 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, United States
Admission rate: 5.1% (2014)
Football stadium: Stanford Stadium
Number of participants: 15 877 (2013)
Foundation date: 11 November 1885
Phone: + 1 650-723-2300
Founders : Leland Stanford, Jane Stanford

Web site:

Stanford had won a place in the 2011 and preserves from the second position in the ranking of best universities in the world. The campus, located south of San Francisco, welcomes about 16,000 students primarily in medicine, humanities and engineering school. Stanford takes advantage of its innovative research centers that House the best researchers in the world physics, biology and computer science and dozens of companies specializing in research and development. It is here that among other things invented the secure email and completed the sequencing of the genome. In 2008, approximately 400 inventions reported.

Note on 100: 72.6
Number of students: 15 861
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 2nd

Harvard University

Address: Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
Admission rate: 5.9% (2014)
Founder: General Court of Massachusetts
Date of Foundation: September 8, 1636
Number of participants: 28 147 (2012)
Phone: + 1 617-495-1000

Web site:

In 2013, Harvard remains the first University the world according to the classification of the Jiao Tong Shanghai University. Located in the city of Cambridge, in the United States, it hosts the intellectual elite with its 10 faculties ranging from medicine to art in law, business or health. Oldest American University, it was founded in 1636, Harvard is distinguished once again by his high-level education. She has trained dozens of Nobel Prize. But if it is the first place, education is expensive: more than 25 000 euros year without housing. What makes the most expensive Harvard and the richest universities, with a budget of EUR 2.6 billion in 2010.

Note on 100: 100
Number of students: 21 260
Country: United States of America
Position in 2011: 1st

jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Framingham State University

Type: Public University
Slogan: Live to the Truth
Date of Foundation: 1839
Founder: Horace Mann
President: Timothy J. Flanagan
Admission rates: 66% (2010)
Number of registered: 5 953 (2010)
Address: 100 state St, Framingham, MA 01702, United States
Phone: + 1 508-620-1220
Web site: 

University of State of Framingham or FSU is a University American located in Framingham in the Massachusetts . It is a public offer of University liberal arts and science scheduled.
In addition to its original mission of training teachers, the University offers of many degree programs in the arts and sciences, as well as traditional liberal channels arts-oriented. It is very famous for being the University of Christa Mc Auliffe, who was projected to be the first teacher in space. There is a Center at the University devoted to it.

As the first Secretary of the Board newly created education Massachusetts, Horace Mann instituted rapid school reforms. A centerpiece of these last changes was the creation of experimental normal school in Lexington. Opening its doors in 1839, it was the first normal school (teacher training) in the United States. A companion was opened the following year in Bridgewater. Growth has forced the relocation of the normal school in Newton in 1843, followed a decade later by a movement at the current location on the bare hillside in Framingham.
In 1922, Framingham normal school granted its first Bachelor of Science in education degrees at the same time that a program of four years of study. Ten years later, with the degree of teachers becoming the norm, normal schools removed teachers of State universities. This was changed again in 1960 to at Framingham State University when licensees in the arts have been added. Currently, master of education, there is both art and Science degrees.