mardi 2 décembre 2014

University of San Francisco

Address: 2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA, United States
Admission rates: 69.2% (2013)
Phone: + 1 415-422-5555
Number of registered: 10 130 (2013)
President: Stephen Privett
Date of Foundation: October 15, 1855
Web site:
The University of San Francisco occupies the 18th position of the charts, as in 2012, after having sold a place for the benefit of the Johns Hopkins University. First University in the State of California, founded about 1868, she specializes in studies and medical and scientific research. Today, 25,000 researchers and doctors work on promising projects such as neurosurgery, gene therapy or therapies to treat cancer. The Mission Bay campus, opened in 2003, became the largest biomedical University of US. Nearly 2000 students are following teachings of medicine, nursing and pharmacy dentition.

Note on 100: 46.2
Number of students: 3 119
Country: United States of America

Position in 2012: 18th

University Johns Hopkins

Address: Baltimore, MD 21218, United States
Date of Foundation: 1876
Admission rates: 15% (2014)
Chairman: Ronald J. Daniels
Phone: + 1 410-516-8000
Web site:
The University Johns Hopkins is the 17th best University in the world as ranked by the Jiao Tong Shanghai University, the same place as last year. This University center, located at Baltimore in the United States, was the first in the country to teach in the form of seminar and not lectures. Divided into several schools, medicine, engineering, arts and sciences or even public health, the University combines teaching and research. During their studies, the students are quickly brought to work on research topics. The mass of literature contributes to its excellent reputation worldwide.

Note on 100: 46.9
Number of students: 15 116
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 17th

University Washington

Address: Seattle, WA, United States
Admission rates: 55% (2013)
Phone: + 1 206-543-2100
Number of registered: 44 158 (2014)
Football stadium: Husky Stadium
Date of Foundation: 4 November 1861
Number of employees: 40 905 (2006)
Web site:

Always to 16th place in the standings is the University Washington located in the American city of Seattle. Its 150 departments provide various training: Public Affairs, social sciences, art... It has two centers of medicine among the best for United States. Side research, the University remains one of the most subsidized in the country with $ 1 billion of budget agreed by the federal Government in 2007 and paid over several years. School of medicine receives annually $ 500 million for its research including experimental treatments to cure some cancers.

Note on 100: 48.3
Number of students: 40 280
Country: United States of America
Position in 2012: 16th

samedi 15 novembre 2014

University of Pennsylvania

Address : Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States
Admission rates : 9.9% (2014)
Phone : + 1 215-898-5000
Number of registered : 21 344 (2013)
Date of Foundation : 1740, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Football stadium : Franklin Field
Founders : Benjamin Franklin , George Whitefield
Web site:
The University Pennsylvania occupies 15th place in the ranking of the best universities in the world in 2013, thus losing a place from last year. Founded by Benjamin Franklin circa 1750, it promotes always its principles: rigor, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and attraction for the knowledge. Lessons range from communication, art, veterinarian studies or law. Its nursing schools and trade, the Wharton School, ranked among the three best in the country. The University, located in the city of Philadelphia, has 174 canters and research institutes. Its budget allocated to research of more than EUR 450 million in fact one of the most dynamic Research and Development centers.

Note on 100: 49.6
Number of students: 21 429
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 15th

University of California, San Diego

Address : 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093, United States
Admission rates : 36.8% (2013)
Phone : + 1 858-534-2230
Number of registered : 30 310 (2013)
Founder : Roger Randall Dougan Revelle
Date of Foundation : 1960
The fourteenth best University in the world is also American: it's that of California, San Diego (UCSD), who earns a place this year surpassing the University of Pennsylvania. Located near the Pacific Ocean and the Mexican border, it remains one of the major canters of education but also an important research site. She specializes in the study of sea and space and has an Institute for Oceanography, Scripps, who is studying the changes and developments of the planet through oceans. UCSD also has the San Diego Super Computer Center who is among the most innovative computer research laboratory. Since its inception in 1960, the University has favored the emergence of more than 200 start-up.
Note on 100: 49.9
Number of students: 27 794
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 14th

University of Cornell

Address : Ithaca, NY 14850, United States
Admission rates : 14% (2014)
Number of registered : 21 424 (2012)
Phone : + 1 607-254-4636
Date of Foundation : 1865
Football stadium : Schoellkopf Field
Founders : Ezra Cornell , Andrew Dickson White

Web site:

The thirteenth best University world is that of Cornell, located in Ithaca, in New York State. Often described as the first American University, it owes its reputation to the ideal of diversity that it promotes. Its founders, Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White defended the idea of a high level for all education in 1865. Today, it ranks among the best teachers and research teams of the world. Its 14 "college" and "schools" appear year after year at the head of major awards, including the Bachelor of Architecture, school of Management and his studies of medicine.

Note on 100: 50
Number of students: 20 515
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 13th

mardi 4 novembre 2014

University of California, Los Angeles

Address : Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States
Date of Foundation: 1919
Admission rates : 20.4% (2014)
Number of registered : 42 163 (2013)
Phone : + 1 310-825-4321
Devise: Fiat Lux
Web site:

The University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA, remains stable for two years, she places herself in the twelfth position in the ranking of the best universities according to the survey by the University of Shanghai . University recently, founded in 1919, the campus of Los Angeles climbed over the years among the places of the most popular teachings of the planet. It provides courses in arts and sciences with professional courses and schools specializing in the sciences. UCLA has several schools of medicine, nursing, dentist and a medical center ranked among the top 5 hospitals of  United States.

Note on 100: 52.9
Number of students: 37 633
Country: United States of America
Position in 2012: 12th

Yale University

Address: New Haven, CT 06520, United States
Admission rates: 6.3% (2014)
Phone: + 1 203-432-4771
Date of Foundation: 1701
Number of registered: 12 109 (2013)
Football stadium: Yale Bowl
Founders : Timothy Woodbridge , Samuel Andrew , James Noyes
Web site:

The American University Yale ranks eleventh in the best universities of the world. Founded in 1701, Yale represents one of the most important universities in the United States. It is here that have trained five heads of States such as Bill Clinton and George W. Bush or several presidents of the Supreme Court. Generalist University, it has thirteen 'schools' specialized architecture to medicine, music and law. Rival Harvard, Yale has the second budget of the continent with nearly 1.4 billion euros. During the past academic year, it had 1 902 students on its campus of Connecticut.

Note on 100: 55.4
Number of students: 11 491
Country: United States
Position in 2012: 11th

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

University of Oxford

Address:  University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
Admission rate: 20,5% (2012)
Number of participants:  22 116 (2013)
Phone: +44 1865 270000
Founder:  unknown
Foundation date: unknown
Devise: Dominus illuminatio mea

Web site:
The University of Oxford remains in 2013 the tenth best University worldwide and the second of the European continent. Competitor of Cambridge, Oxford, which is the oldest university in English, founded to 1096, offers a wide range of experience. The majority of its students enrolled in Humanities and social sciences and medicine, maths, physics and life sciences. It is distinguished by its low rate of abandonment during the year: a little more than 1% against an average of more than 8%.Tutoring, courses and faculty quality and the ease of insertion on the labor market contribute to its reputation. More than a third of the students are foreigners, coming from 140 countries around the world.

Note on 100: 55.9
Number of students: 18 703
Country: United Kingdom
Position in 2012: 10th

University of Chicago

Address:  5801 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, États-Unis
Admission rate:  8,4% (2014)
Number of participants: 15 245 (2012)
Phone: +1 773-702-1234
Founder:   William Rainey Harper, John Dewey, John Davison Rockefeller
Foundation date: 1890
Devise: Crescat scientia, vita excolatur
Web site:

A ninth place in the standings for the seventh consecutive year, lies the University of Chicago. Renowned for his studies of law, she is also a highly valued for the economics, sociology and biology Learning Center. Research is one of its main priorities. The University of Chicago has several institutes and research centers that are working on topics such as cancer, genome or even new technologies. In September 2008, the federal Government provided a grant of nearly EUR 20 million to the University for Research projects considered promising.

Note on 100: 57.1
Number of students: 13 070
Country: United States
2012 position: 9th